Anthony R. Cuesta

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Strong Advocate

  • Anthony is a litigator whose practice focuses on business disputes, real estate conflicts, and construction matters.  Along those lines, Anthony has represented large and small businesses, as well as individuals on either side of disputes involving contracts, commercial leases, trade secrets, injunctions, professional indemnity, land partition, easements, title, defamation, restrictive covenants (deed restrictions), minority shareholder oppression, employment discrimination, and uninsured losses.  As a well-rounded litigator, Anthony has prosecuted and defended civil cases in various forums including arbitration, trial, and appeal.

Alternate fee agreements
  • Contingency fee agreements in which attorney’s fees are paid entirely as a percentage of money recovered, have traditionally been used in the personal injury arena, and seldom seen in business litigation. However, there is a trend in legal fee agreements that seeks to give clients more options than conventional hourly rates.  In Anthony’s experience, some clients wish to share the risk of legal expenses with their attorney.  While most business cases are not suited for a full contingency fee agreement, there are business cases in which a hybrid between a traditional hourly rate and a contingency fee can be appropriate.  Anthony has taken many cases on such a hybrid fee agreement, in which his hourly rate is reduced and supplemented with a reduced contingency fee.

Uninsured losses
  • Occasionally, businesses or individuals suffer property damage losses that exceed their own insurance policy limits. This is often the case in large structure fires.  A client’s insurance carrier will usually assign the case to a subrogation attorney who will seek reimbursement from the liable party, but only for the amount that was paid by the carrier to its client.  In other words, insurance policies will typically not take steps to help their clients recover losses that exceed the insurance benefit received.  Anthony has successfully represented clients in recovering such uninsured losses.  In many cases, the uninsured losses were far greater than the insurance payment received.


Anthony is the son of Cuban immigrants and the first person in his family to be born in the United States.  Prior to becoming an attorney, Anthony was a law enforcement officer serving in various capacities including investigations, tactical units, and in Iraq as an International Police Advisor under the U.S. Secretary of State.

Anthony graduated top of his class from the Texas A&M University School of Law, where he specialized in business law.  In law school, Anthony stayed active as a teaching assistant and research assistant to several professors, and as a member of the Law Review.  Anthony also had the privilege of interning with the United States District Court, for the Northern District of Texas, Fort Worth Division and the Tarrant County District Attorney’s Office.

Anthony, who is fluent in Spanish, has also volunteered with the Human Rights Initiative of North Texas, a pro bono organization that offers legal immigration services.

  • Education

    Texas A&M University School of Law (J.D., Summa Cum Laude, 2013)

    University of Miami (B.A., 1998)

  • Court Admissions

    Supreme Court of Texas (2014)

    United States District Court, Northern District of Texas (2016)

  • Publications and Speeches

    Identifying the Client in a Corporate Family:  The Over-Reliance on Corporate Affiliation in Attorney-Client Privilege, 1 Tex. A&M L. Rev. 163.

    Speech:  Legal Requirements on Reporting Child Abuse

    Education Law Seminar (2015)

  • Awards and Recognitions

    “Super Lawyers – Civil Litigation” by Thomson Reuters (2021 – 2023)

    A “Texas Rising Star” in Energy & Natural Resources Law by Super Lawyers Magazine (Thomson Reuters) (2021, 2023, 2024)

    Voted Top Attorney by 360 West Magazine (2020, 2021, 2023-2024)

    Voted by peers as a Fort Worth Magazine Top Attorney (2014, 2015, 2016, 2018, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024)

    Texas A&M University School of Law, Business Law Certificate

    Eldon B. Mahon Inn of Court

    Texas State Bar:  Buck J. Wynne Environmental Law Award

    Phi Delta Phi Legal Honor Society

    Scribes:  American Society of Legal Writers